Just sold single family home in St Petersburg, FL

Save thousands of $$$ in Capital Gains taxes

February 14, 20251 min read

💰My seller/buyer saved thousands of $$$$ in taxes and this is how she did it.

➡️There is an investor hack called a 1031 exchange. 

💪A 1031 exchange is truly one of the greatest tools for investors, especially smaller investors to be able to get ahead and build their portfolios and futures. 

❓What is the 1031 exchange? It’s when you sell your investment property and then roll the proceeds over into another investment property without having to pay taxes on your capital gains. 

✅This has to be done properly, using the correct intermediary company. You have 45 days to identify the new property once you close on the original property and 135 days to close on the next property or properties.

It’s incredibly important to understand you can only use a 1031 exchange when selling an investment property and moving the money into another investment property. 

😊If you don’t like paying taxes and would like more details on 1031 exchanges, email, call or text me.

🔸Laura Marie, REALTOR®
Helping you Sell, Buy & Invest
Creative Real Estate Deals
Laura Marie Group @ eXp Realty

(727) 350-7003


Laura Marie

🔸Laura Marie, REALTOR® Helping you Sell, Buy & Invest Creative Real Estate Deals Laura Marie Group @ eXp Realty YourHomeSoldFL.com (727) 350-7003

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